Rare stamps for rare diseases

Index Home All health systems are designed to take care of common ailments. Postage stamps also pick up only those health themes, that are common. To put in numbers, diabetes and hypertension are common. Today, these conditions affect as many as 1 or 2 of every 10 adults respectively. Some other health ailments are even more… Continue reading Rare stamps for rare diseases

Compassion in healthcare and its imagery in postage stamps

Index Home Empathy and compassion are integral to healthcare. Most patients seek care when they have discomfort, infirmity or incapacitation. Compassion is a concern for another person’s discomfort. It is not possible to provide care, without concern. However people have different concern-reactions. For some it is a mere obligation, to listen and to abruptly close the… Continue reading Compassion in healthcare and its imagery in postage stamps

Bug of the soil to treat Tuberculosis

Index Home Till the end of the second world war, Tuberculosis (TB) had no cure. Bed-rest, sunlight, and some fresh air were standard TB treatments. While some self-healed themselves, most would die after a long wait. Even Penicllin, famous and marvellous first antibiotic, did not make a dent. First useful medicine against TB, was following footsteps… Continue reading Bug of the soil to treat Tuberculosis