Many developments take place from birth, to first six months of life. In the first one month, newborn is a neonate. Subsequently, the period upto one year of life, is infancy. Developments in this period are milestones in our journey. Many motor milestones in the first six months can be picked up from postage stamps. This helps us understand and guess age of an infant drawn on the postage stamp. This blog is all about philatelic listing of the motor milestones in the first six months.
Immediately after Birth
Hands in fists, Frequent cry, Makes jerky, quivering arm thrusts, Head flops backward if unsupported. Legs are curled up.
Upto 1 month – Neonate
A neonate can bring hands within range of eyes and mouth
Can move head from side to side while lying on stomach
Can see upto two feet, starts recognising mother
From 1-2 months
Improves neck strength, can hold neck without support
Starts lifting the neck, especially to look at mother’s face.
Starts to bring hands and fingers upto the mouth. Will try to suck ones own fingers.
First two months is also the time for beginning of social smile. Initially there may be random facial movements, but by six weeks the infant may have a real responsive smile.
While some immunisations are done at birth, 6, 10 and 12 weeks of life is time for most others in the universal immunisation series.
Third month
As the infant starts straightening its legs, it also begins to vigorously kick. Infant can quickly roll-over, and hence in many cultures child is placed from a lap, to inside the crib, or needs to be held carefully.
This is the time that grasp begins to be more firm and definitive
Fourth month
By four months, the infant begins to have more control over their movements. They can lift their head up, with help of their hands. This tripod position, is a precursor to a crawl. This is also the time infants begin to explore objects using their hands and even mouth.
As the grasp improves, and children can hold objects and toys in their hands, bringing them to their mouth.
As we grow we gain more motor control. It also becomes possible to bounce, and hold infants high. While this is an important milestone, infants need to be well supported.
As the primary set of immunisations get completed, children at four months are playful, and all set to explore their surroundings.
Four to Six months
During this time, infants can sit-up and remain seated with support. They do-not flop in the front. They also learn to transfer objects from hand to hand, and turn and twist them. Now they also have a better balance in their trunk, head, and neck.
While infant is able to sit, their back still needs to be supported. First six months of life is also the period of exclusive breastfeeding. This means that other than medicines, or rehydration liquids, infants must receive mother’s milk.
At six months infant is all ready to sit up and explore the world. In the coming months, infant will be able to sit unsupported produce more sounds and also understand them. Something for the next blog !!!
Excellent… beginning of life
Excellent fundamental concepts
Fantastic information about the infants and their gradual development.