History of Pharmacy: to make, produce and dispense

Index Home When physicians were their own pharmacists Most ancient physicians formulated their own remedies, and dispensed them too. Physicians and their family members held on to recipes as a closely guarded secret. Identification, formulation, and dispensing was a family affair. Most physicians had their own pharmacy. While ancient pharmacopeias (or materia-medica) exist, their wider dissemination… Continue reading History of Pharmacy: to make, produce and dispense

Tuberculosis: A wasting illness

Index Home TB: A wasting affection of the Lungs Tuberculosis (also known as TB), is a disease with devastating health, social, economic and cultural consequences. Greeks called it pthisis, and Romans called it consumption. Both these words mean “getting wasted”, or to “whither away”. We also know it as “white plague“, with sufferers becoming pale, before… Continue reading Tuberculosis: A wasting illness

Selfless service in faraway lands: humanism in healthcare

Index Home Humanism: What does it entail ? Healthcare is often equated with self-less service. Healthcare providers are trained to be non-discriminatory, to view every sufferer as a human, regardless of race, religion, creed, social or economic status. This humanism is often a tough ideal to uphold, especially when conflicted with self-preservation, and financial well-being. Humanism… Continue reading Selfless service in faraway lands: humanism in healthcare

Medical Imaging: Invisible rays make us see

Index Home It just happened one day Scientists were beginning to discover existence of invisible rays towards the end of 19th century. Physicists of the day, Humphry Davy, Micheal Faraday, Hemholtz and Lenard were all experimenting on properties of cathode rays. Nikola Tesla had also noted in 1894 that invisible rays affect photographic plates. On 8th… Continue reading Medical Imaging: Invisible rays make us see

Understanding diseases: truths exposed by a microscope

Index Home Emergence of a microscope Origin of microscope is shrouded in controversy. Various traders and workmen used lens for magnification as early as 12th-13th centuries. However, it would take four centuries for first crude microscope to take shape. Some historians claim that Zacharias Janssen invented microscope and telescope between 1580 and 1618. Others believe that… Continue reading Understanding diseases: truths exposed by a microscope

Surgical practices: A historic perspective of going under the scalpel

Index Home Journey of surgery till the Middle Ages Mankind has been affected with wounds, fractures, and outgrowths since antiquity. Various applicants to heal wounds and fractures have included honey, clay, oils, leaves, sulphur, bandaging and plastering. There are written as well as anthropological evidences of surgical practices in the ancient times, such as trephining of… Continue reading Surgical practices: A historic perspective of going under the scalpel

Look, Listen and Feel: The 19th Century physician

Index Home Listening the unseen Two exciting developments took place in early 19th century. Around 1750s Leopold Auenbrugger invented percussion, and in 1816 Laennec invented stethoscope, and thus auscultation. Leopold also discovered ‘fremitus‘ to feel sound on the chest wall, as it travels through the lungs. Before this physicians spoke with their patients, and could see… Continue reading Look, Listen and Feel: The 19th Century physician

Challenge the established

Index Home In medieval Europe, physicians analysed symptoms, examined excreta, and made their diagnoses. Medical therapies included diet, rest, sleep, exercise, or baths, or administration of emetics, purgatives or bleeding to get rid of the “bad substances / airs”. Surgeons treated fractures, dislocations, hernias and could perform amputation. Religion and medicine were inseparable. Hospitals were established and infirmaries were attached… Continue reading Challenge the established

Disability and rehabilitation

Index Home Pre-1950: Lets hide it History has not been kind to individuals with disability. Over the ages it was considered an aberration, that was supposed to be hidden and away from public eyes. Medieval societies would hide children and adults alike in asylums, leper-homes, or inside their houses – often locked with little freedom. Often… Continue reading Disability and rehabilitation