Red Cross movement

Index Home Foundation of Red Cross In 1859, French-Sardinian alliance and Austrians fought battle of Solferino, a small town in Northern Italy. After the ward was over, more than 40,000 soldiers who were either dead or wounded lay in the battlefield, unattended. Moved by the sight, Henry Dunant a Swiss businessman who happened to be there, organised relief with help of… Continue reading Red Cross movement

Saving our children

Index Home Prelude to this blog “Healthy children indicate healthy society“ Wars bring worst aspects of any society. Wars also disproportionately affect children, as households are disrupted and schools get destroyed. End of First World War was similarly a turning point for child-health. Eglantyne Jebb and Dorothy Buxton, were English social reformers who set up… Continue reading Saving our children

Being a health-care worker

Index Home Who is a health-care worker ? I am one of about 60 million health-care workers in the world. That makes me among less than 1% of global population; a good enough reason to celebrate. Professionally trained doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and paramedical staff constitute about three-quarters of us, and others could be helpers, trolley-bearers,… Continue reading Being a health-care worker

Medicinal plants: herbs for health

Index Home Drug formulary of most traditional systems of medicine is based on plants. Human beings have always had plants as their companion. Tiny, small, large or gigantic; versatility in size, produce, and function of plants has always intrigued mankind. Prehistoric humans discovered that some plants are suitable for cultivation, others for their floral beauty,… Continue reading Medicinal plants: herbs for health

Traditional systems of healing

Index Home Unifying aim of all systems of healing is to restoring balance. Restoration of balance shifts “dis-ease” to “at-ease”. Health is essentially a balanced state between agonists & antagonists, stimulators & inhibitors, commensals & pathogens. Each system of healing has used different approaches. Many systems of healing from ancient and modern times co-exist. Term… Continue reading Traditional systems of healing

Our journey on the road to health

Index Home Its our desire to be healthy We all desire to be healthy, but often remain unaware of this desire unless we experience illness ourselves or encounter someone around us who is unwell. Health is more of a perception, feeling, or conformity than a clearly defined state. We all express our ardent desire to… Continue reading Our journey on the road to health