Bekhterev: A top Russian neurologist who had a mysterious end

Index Home The Lancet, a leading medical Journal in an article in its 2017 issue describes Vladimir Mikhailovich Bekhterev as the most productive Russian scientist of his time. He published more than scientific 1700 papers. There are about twenty clinical signs, structures, diseases and phenomenon that carry his name. Most famous of these is Bekhterev’s disease, we… Continue reading Bekhterev: A top Russian neurologist who had a mysterious end

Yoga: An Indian cultural export to the world

Index Home Yoga is a centuries-old practice that combines physical, mental, and spiritual elements to promote overall well-being and harmony. The word means – “to join”. It joins mind and the body. Rooted in ancient Indian philosophy, yoga has gained immense popularity worldwide as a holistic approach to health and self-discovery. Yoga describes a series of… Continue reading Yoga: An Indian cultural export to the world

Persecution, Politics and Science in China

Index Home Between 1988 and 2022, China post issued nine sets of postage in a series with a title “Scientists of modern China“. This series has a total of 38 postage stamps, three of them related to medical science. Most others are physicists, chemists, mathematicians and architects. Three medical scientists in the series Tang Feifan, Zhang… Continue reading Persecution, Politics and Science in China

The rise and fall of needle less injections: jet-inject

Index Home The other day, I was browsing through my cachet of health postage stamps. I came across a peculiar injection device in use in some stamps. This device was invented in 1960s, and was extensively used for mass-vaccinations. This device called jet-inject, could deliver injections, without a needle. However, more serious concerns in early 1980s… Continue reading The rise and fall of needle less injections: jet-inject

How “Paracelsus” changed the course of medicine ?

Index Home The name ‘Paracelsus’ itself is a mystery. A Swiss-German chemist, born in 1493 had an unusually long name-Philippus Aureolus Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim. In 1507, he embarked on a journey to become a physician and in this process he rejected all the then available medical texts. By 1526, he had travelled across most parts… Continue reading How “Paracelsus” changed the course of medicine ?

Transkei and its series on heroes of medicine

Index Home I had never heard about Transkei till I stumbled on its postage stamps. This country does not exist today. When it did, except one, none recognised it. Transkei was not alone, there were four that swam and sank together. Together these were TVBC – Transkei, Venda, Bophuthatswana and Ciskei – the four so-called homelands… Continue reading Transkei and its series on heroes of medicine

Bug of the soil to treat Tuberculosis

Index Home Till the end of the second world war, Tuberculosis (TB) had no cure. Bed-rest, sunlight, and some fresh air were standard TB treatments. While some self-healed themselves, most would die after a long wait. Even Penicllin, famous and marvellous first antibiotic, did not make a dent. First useful medicine against TB, was following footsteps… Continue reading Bug of the soil to treat Tuberculosis